Declaring women engineers from top colleges mentally unsound for eugenics, identity theft

The corrupt cruel ntro, cbi, security agency employees are involved in an extremely cruel fraud, of having hardworking honest brilliant women engineers from top colleges, declared mentally unsound for eugenics and identity theft.
These security agency, ntro, cbi employees are aware of the fact that their own relatives are extremely mediocre lazy greedy frauds who will never achieve anything on their own. So they focus on misusing the expensive equipment and other tax payer funded resources at their disposal to have the single woman engineer declared mentally unsound, so that they could steal her impressive resume,savings for their mediocre, lazy fraud relatives and friends. The stolen resume was then used to get lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs for their relatives and also directorship of companies. .
These fraud officials like puneet, j srinivasan, parmar,vijay , patel falsely claimed that they were interested in marrying the engineer after she was declared mentally unsound as compensation for the theft of her resume, savings. This would ensure that if any children were born, they would inherit the genes of the engineer, as intelligence is partly inherited
However defaming, cheating, harassing, torturing a harmless innocent person to have her declared mentally unsound is very cruel, and may not succeed if the woman targetted considers it unfair , is mentally strong, and realizes the extent of the fraud


Relatives involved in identity theft for evading DNA testing

The government employees involved in the resume/identity theft fraud of engineers are also very cunning, they will try to get a close relative like a sibling to steal the identity of the engineer, in an attempt to bypass DNA testing as the genetic makeup of siblings is likely to be similar. If shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar or slim obc bhandari R&AW employee sex queen sunaina 2013 bsc or any other google, tata sponsored, falsely claim to have the identity of the domain investor and engineer, bone ossification, medical records, dental records and DNA testing can be used to prove that these women could not possibly have a btech 1993 ee degree

The officials who are planning the identity theft have perfected their modus operandi of causing very great financial losses to the identity theft victim, so that he or she will approach them and willingly agree to identity theft. This ensures that the companies and officials do not face any legal or other problems at a later date, if the victim is so desperate that she or he will agree to any humiliating agreement like the servant in the 2009 Aamir Khan starrer’3 Idiots” where the servant actually studies in a top engineering college, and gives up his engineering degree to the rich rancho, in whose house he was working. So brilliant hardworking students who work very hard to have an impressive resume, should be aware that they will be subjected to identity theft later in life, especially if they are not well connected, single, and almost no indian government agency will help them

Most of the relatives, friends and business associates will be influenced to agree to identity theft by the powerful identity theft gang using a combination of bribery and threats. Some of the identity theft gang members like ntro employee puneet, vijay, j srinivasan, are extremely cunning , and very good actors, falsely pretending to help the identity theft victim, when actually their actions prove that they want to collect the maximum amount of information and cause great damage. The acting fraud of these powerful indian government employees will become apparent, only after some time, when it because clear that these officials are not interested in contacting the identity theft victim, only stealing her resume.


Fatal accident of birth

In his suicide note in January 2016 ,the dalit Phd scholar Rohith Vemula correctly commented on the “Fatal accident of birth” due to which he unable to get any justice, despite being meritorious. Just for protesting, the stipend of Rohith Vemula and other scholars from Hyderabad university was blocked, indicating that powerful mainly brahmin officials are ruthless in destroying the life of whistleblowers
This is a major problem faced by meritorious indian citizens who are not born in brahmin, bania, and other non well connected families , though they may work very hard to get an impressive resume, save money for their old age, they are often subjected to identity and resume theft by the mainly brahmin ntro employees, their retirement savings stolen by cbi, security agencies without a court order or legally valid reason.
In India in 2017, there appear to be different rules for brahmins,banias, bania, brahmin puppets and other indian citizens. The brahmins, banias and their puppets like indore fraud document robber housewife veena have the license to lie, cheat without being questioned, and are often rewarded for their fraud on meritorious lower caste professionals with R&AW/CBI jobs, falsely claiming to have the resume, investment of the person they cheated, exploited

So in India, in 2017, the career and life of a person depends to a large extent on the family in which he or she is born, hard work, merit, competence, education does not matter at all, especially for the notoriously corrupt dishonest, fraud powerful indian intelligence and security agency employees due to which india is facing negative job growth.


How cunning shivalli brahmins, GSB and other officials get jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud inexperienced relatives with FAKE RESUMES

When many relatives, friends of top shivalli brahmin, GSB, goan bhandari officials have got government jobs in R&AW/CBI it is not always due to merit, it is because these officials have perfected the art of stealing resumes of vulnerable profesionals for their mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced relatives and friends.
A single woman bhandari engineer whose resume has been stolen 10 times by brahmin, goan bhandari frauds has realized the officials are using the following formula
– defaming the innocent harmless professional, engineer without any proof at all
– hysterically repeating the lies like a parrot for years
– getting fake references for their mediocre inexperienced relatives of the person these government officials have defamed
– keeping the person they have defamed a virtual prisoner so that the resume theft victim cannot get any help
– labelling the person as a security threat when he or she complains about the fraud.

These officials are taking advantage of the loopholes in indian intelligence agencies in a vyapam type fraud.


Education in bhandaris and GSBs, poverty and power

One of the reasons why despite being a small section of the population in Goa, the GSBs are the dominant group having both power and money is because the bhandari or bahujan samaj leaders in Goa and elsewhere lack the vision and honesty in 2017 to support educated brilliant hardworking honest bhandari engineers who have very hard for their education and money especially in goa.

The GSB leaders and officials have the vision and honesty to support hardworking meritorious GSB students, professionals, even bhandari professionals are asked to help in contributing to scholarships for poor GSB students, Like the shivalli brahmins, the GSBs led by the goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak are also extremely ruthless in defaming, cheating, exploiting meritorious hardworking bhandari professionals like bhandari domain investor, engineer who actually owns this website, yet finds that the indian government is falsely claiming that google,tata sponsored R&AW/CBI employees goan gsb fraud 2012 diploma sex worker siddhi mandrekar, housewife riddhi nayak who never answered JEE have her resume including btech 1993 ee degree, investment to waste indian tax payer money on these frauds, paying them a monthly indian government salary

On the other hand, in 2017, most of the bhandari and bahujan samaj leaders, especially in goa lack the vision, honesty to appreciate merit, hard work, honesty and are easily bribed by large companies like google, tata to support their mediocre lazy greedy puppets like the goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc who provides sex services to brahmin officials , indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena who betrayed the bhandari single woman engineer, and are falsely claiming that these google, tata sponsored frauds who never answered JEE have the btech 1993 ee degree of the single woman bhandari engineer

Not a single major bhandari leader or official has the honesty , courage or humanity to tell the indian government that the single woman bhandari engineer alone worked very hard to get a good 1989 JEE rank, btech 1993 ee degree, make and save money, why are others stealing her resume, money . The bhandari leaders and officials also do not have the courage to question the fraud mainly brahmin officials why are defaming a harmless single woman bhandari engineer WITHOUT ANY PROOF AT ALL, making fake allegations against her, wasting indian tax payer money in the process.


Brain drain, eugenics and intelligence in India

In most countries, the officials try to encourage the most intelligent citizens to do well, however in the last decade or so, the indian intelligence and security agencies have intentionally rewarded mediocrity, laziness, dishonesty , lies as part of their eugenics experiment to ensure that india remains one of the poorest countries in the world.
It appears that upper middle class families are aware of the fact that indian intelligence and security agencies target harmless honest hardworking intelligent indian citizens for persecution wasting crores of rupees of indian tax payer money, so after getting an engineering degree, their children take GRE and migrate to another country where merit, hardwork and honesty are appreciated.
As a professor in an american university predicted to the domain investor more than twenty four years ago, those who remain in india are unable to achieve anything because the security, intelligence agencies will destroy their life as part of the eugenics experiment
So to avoid being targetted by the extremely corrupt dishonest powerful indian intelligence and security agencies who are carrying out a eugenics experiment, of eliminating all intelligent honest people from India , like the nazis eliminated the jews, most students from top colleges are leaving the country at the first opportunity leading to the so called brain drain.


Gene of madness or intelligence

Most families have their own distinctive culture and traditions and many aspects of the person are hereditary, including intelligence. In his book Gene the author oncologist Siddharth Mukherjee discusses his own family, and mentions that his fathers brothers and other relatives were declared mentally unsound, confined to a mental asylum. However the author who migrated to the United States at the age of 18, does not take into account the intense harassment and mental torture that intelligent people face in India, wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process.
The indian intelligence and security agency employees often take a sadistic pleasure in defaming, harassing, cheating and exploiting vulnerable harmless intelligent and sensitive indian citizens, usually out of hatred and greed.
Getting harmless vulnerable indian citizens declared mentally unsound has become a very big racket in India, and many magazines like Outlook have featured detailed articles on the subject in the last few years.
Since 2010, google, tata , ntro, cbi, raw, indian security agencies have allegedly tried to get the domain investor declared mentally unsound, to steal her resume, savings, stalking, defaming, cheating, harassing, torturing her in the worst possible way, so when people call an indian citizen mentally unsound, there are likely to be at least two different sides of the story.
It is advisable to hear both sides of the story, before passing judgement, and Siddharth Mukherjee should discuss the circumstances under which his uncles were declared mentally unsound, whether they were at fault, or it was due to other factors.


How genetics, relationships determine R&AW/CBI appointment




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R&AW officially claims to be a professional organization, hiring experts in the field, however in reality it is correctly called the Relatives and Associates wing of the indian government employing a large number of lazy greedy mediocre well connected google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other frauds , faking their resume, investment, online work, expertise
The only qualification of these R&AW employees is the fact that they have extremely powerful relatives, friends or sex partners in NTRO, CBI, indian intelligence and security agencies , who have been given the official license by the indian government to lie and cheat without being questioned or held acountable by any indian citizen in a classic case of nepotism.
So though shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, karnataka is only looking after her house and family, because she was born in a family of powerful SHIVALLI BRAHMIN FRAUDS working in R&AW/CBI, indian security agencies, in 2017, the google, tata sponsored brahmin cheater housewife is getting a monthly indian government salary falsely claiming to have the resume, investment, paypal account of a harmless obc bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor, google competitor she cheated of Rs 1,1 lakh

Similarly because indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena got married to the balding indore fraud mahesh, who is connected to a powerful indore identity theft gang which specializes in bribing top indian top CBI, indian intelligence and security agency employees, after stealing the documents of a google competitor, google, tata, ntro, cbi got the indore document robber a R&AW job, falsely claiming that the indore fraud R&AW employee had the resume, investment, paypal account of a harmless obc bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor, google competitor, whose documents the indore fraud R&AW employee stole.

So in India, merit, hard work, competence does not matter, especially for the powerful indian intelligence agencies like R&AW,CBI, NTRO, though it affects their performance. As the indian media pointed out, ISI is aware of the fact that many R&AW employees are incompetent, dishonest, unpatriotic, faking their resume, skills, so they sentenced the Indian citizen, Kulbhushan Jadhav to death as they know that R&AW is too weak to take any action.


Why the Bahujan samaj in goa remains poor

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It is generally observed that if people from a particular community are doing well, making money, they can also help others from their community to do well. Though they make up 27 percent of the goan population, they have less money and power compared to the Goud saraswat brahmins in Goa. The mainstream media in goa rarely makes an attempt to honestly analyze the reason for the poverty and lack of power.

The real reason for lack of power and money, in 2017, most of the bhandari and bahujan samaj leaders, especially in goa lack the vision, honesty to appreciate merit, hard work, honesty of bhandari professionals, engineers and get them a fair deal, the income and opportunities that they deserved.Unlike the dalit leaders who will openly fight for dalit students and professionals, the bhandari leaders and officials, especially in goa, are not even willing to acknowledge the fact that injustice is being done to bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai .

The leaders and officials are easily bribed by fraud large companies like google, tata to support their mediocre lazy greedy puppets like the goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc who provides sex services to brahmin officials , indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena who betrayed the bhandari single woman engineer in identity theft of a brilliant hardworking bhandari engineer. The corrupt bhandari leaders and officials are allegedly falsely claiming that these google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW employees who never answered JEE have the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, investment of the single woman bhandari engineer

Not a single major bhandari leader or official has the honesty , courage or humanity to tell the indian government that the single woman bhandari engineer alone worked very hard to get a good 1989 JEE rank, btech 1993 ee degree, make and save money, why are others stealing her resume, money to get R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence jobs. The bhandari leaders and officials also do not have the courage to question the fraud mainly brahmin officials why are defaming a harmless single woman bhandari engineer WITHOUT ANY PROOF AT ALL, making fake allegations against her, wasting indian tax payer money in the process since 2010.

There is no way the bhandari single woman engineer who is subjected to resume theft by the indian government can contact the brahmin officials who are defaming, cheating and exploiting her, however there are bhandari intelligence officials who deal with these brahmin officials, yet none of them has the humanity to question the brahmin and other offficials why they are denying a harmless bhandari single woman engineer in panaji, goa her fundamental rights since 2010


Before criticizing google competitor, officials should think about their own relatives, friends

For more than 7 years top ntro,cbi, RAW employees have criticized the google competitor often without any proof at all. Now the google competitor would like to review the what the google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees have done to deserved so many powers
Goan gsb fraud diploma holder R&AW employee siddhi mandrekars only achievements in life
– having SEX with fraud NTRO employees and other powerful men who falsely claim that the goan 2012 diploma holder SEX worker was their btech 1993 ee classmate as reward for her sex services
– committing corporate espionage on google competitor
– stealing the documents, correspondence of the google competitor, operating an extortion racket

The goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak and others like goan bhandari pritesh has been extremely vicious in defaming a bhandari single woman engineer without any legally valid proof since 2010, wasting crores of indian tax payer money as part of their eugenics experiment of destroying the life of brilliant obc professionals, saying that she does not deserve her money and resume

However at least the bhandari engineer, google competitor has worked hard and legally got her degree, resume, savings, what have their relatives and friends like riddhi siddhi sunaina, veena done to legally steal the resume, savings of a private citizen
